Sunday, 24 October 2010

Uncandid Camera Part 2 (or wherever we got up to)

Greetings all!! Once again, sorry for the slowness of updating - I've been a bit distracted by other royals to concentrate on Queen Victoria, but now that's all changed and I'm back with some more photos I'd never seen before. Right then, without further ado, let's go to our favourite year, 1854.

So here they all are (minus Beatrice, of course) outside Buckingham Palace in 1854. Left to Right: Helena, Alice, Affie, Vicky, Arthur, Albert, Victoria, Bertie and Louise. I might've got Helena and Louise muddled up, so please forgive me. Oh yes, and there's a 10-1 chance that the random pram contains Leopold. Anyhoo, nice grouping don't you think, though Albert does of course look about 80 feet taller than everybody else, but again, that's normal. Well, here're some assorted zoomings in.

Well here we are, el-zoomed. Here (I think) we have Helen, Alice, Affie, Vicky and Arthur (in his dress...haha!) all looking somewhat mutinous (well I would be if I had to wear that little lot, with the exception of Affie's socks, which I would be incredibly happy to troll around in merrily.) Nice palm tree in the background too. Onward and downwards men (and women...)

Another zoom containing: Arthur, Albert, Victoria and Bertie - I accidently chopped Louise off...sorry... Anyway, we get to see the Queen's dress, which looks like it's been attacked by those crimping scissors I used to play with when I was little, just a REALLY big pair. Nice stripy embellishments though. Well I think that's just about exhausted that one, so on we go to some which I've already posted, but too small to see properly.

Ta daaa!! I posted this a while ago before I realised that I could zoom in and so this is the full length zoom, so we can see the LOVELY dress and somewhat unnervingly decorated chair. I do love this photo, but it does seem to be taken just before a display of lion taming using that chair. Hm. Ah well, here's an extra zoomy zoom of the same photo.

Other than the mild look of terror, I'd say that this is quite a pretty photo, wouldn't you? Very middle class as always, but nowt wrong with that say I. Anyway, let's pop over to 1857 just for a bit for something which interested me.

Yes, that IS a very scary carpet, but if you can drag your eyes away from it for just one second... yes, I know it's hard, but you can at least try. Good. Now, this was taken in 1857 at the Manchester Exhibition of Art Treasures, whatever that was. Well it probably was one of the Great Exhibiton "spin-offs" that happened all through the 1850s, naming no names of course *cough* Paris *cough*. Cue intense expressions. In all fairness, I bet they're listening to a really long, incredibly boring speech and are just trying to stay awake. From Left to Right we have: Epic chair, Victoria, Albert, blurred Vicky, Bertie, Affie. I don't know who the blurred individuals advancing upon them are, but Albert seems to be giving them SERIOUS evils don't you think? Interesting photo I thought. Anyway, on to 1860.

Well here we have a very zoomed in version of another photo I posted ages ago that was also a bit small. Note the little lines all over the photo that indicate it's been torn up and stuck back together again/folded. Anyway, that's one hell of a shawl isn't it? Lots of rhetorical question in this so must be turning into Cicero (let's hope not, eh?) Again, another look of horror. Hm. Perhaps it's the old story about advancing triffids again? I don't know. Ah well, let's end on a high with what I like to know as the "Swishy Photo". You'll see why if you scroll down.

Gubbins of gubbiness first: taken in 1889. That's it. Anyway, I like this photo, as she does look like she's having quite a good time swishing her dress (which I've just noticed looks like to their own I s'pose...) If I lived back then, I'd be tempted to float about merrily in all those petticoats and swish and swoosh to my heart's content and if humble moi could do that, QV could, because she was the Queen and could do whatever she bloody well liked. Paraphrased from Blackadder there. :)

Well that's all for now, but be back soon with a special children's post, just for Whyte Fairy, my ever-faithful reader, as it was her birthday this week, so she deserves a birthday collection of photos. Ta ra for now. :)


  1. EEEEEEEE!!! More photos! *Happy Birthday dance of yay!*

    1) Yes, Albert does look like the Jolly Green Giant of the photograph. The top hat doesn't help at all, but it looks like he's bending a knee or something to make up for it.

    1a) Thanks for the closeups! (I was lamenting that the group shot was smallish) Quite an impressive sporran and oh my! The argyle! I wonder what's so interesting at the front of Helena's dress. You'd think she'd be used to ribbons and frippery by now.

    1b) I do like the detailing along V's dress. Albert also appears to be taking part in the mutiny though. Maybe the photographer was being insidiously obnoxious. Or had an unfortunate singing voice. Or terrible props to make the wee ones smile.

    2) That really is a lovely dress - I should like to see it head on! What IS she holding in her right hand though?

    2a) Yay closeup! Just lovely. ^_^

    3) I've decided, after some very intense scrutiny, (almost as intense as Albert's) that the blurring in the photograph comes from the fact that the carpet, which is, in fact a magic carpet, had just landed. It was the crowning glory of the Exhibition! And I can't tell if V is sitting on some oddly placed bench, standing awkwardly, or sitting (gasp!) on the arm of the chair like A. :-/

    4) My, but that IS a stunning shawl! So much foof and detail! Loves! I was distracted from looking at it (so thank you for pointing it out!) by the top of her dress. Is it me or is that a sheer bit with black satin ribbons that goes over the rest of her dress?? If so, oh la la! Very un-V like (non party dress wise), and also sent me into dreamy goo goo land because of the sheeryness over an off the shoulder dress and A's thing for V's shoulders! *fangirl awwwwww* It's hard to be sexy and defend your nation against triffids all at the same time. I still need to read "Queen Victria: Demon Hunter"...

    5) Wow. Um. Huh. Wow. what IS that? Other than brilliantly minkish? I wonder if it was dyed a vibrant color to highlight the mourning black... I hope so. Fantastic. (And totally made me take a moment to giggle!)

  2. 1b) He does look a bit like he would happily spring from his casual lounging and lure a triffid towards them. Maybe the PM was dancing behind the photographer wearing nothing but a tutu and spats? It would account for why Lenchen's staring intensely at her dress anyway.

    2) I thought it was a handkerchief, but it's one hell of a tissue... baby triffid in lace perhaps? That would explain her expression...

    3) More intense than Albert?! Blimey, that IS intense... and I'd forgotten about the carpet. I have a feeling QV's still a bit off-balance from the landing (as is Vicky by the looks of things), not that I blame her of course, those flying carpets shake like the devil.

    4) OOOOHHH!! I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out - why I think you're right and she popped on the shawl to cover herself a little more for the photo. And read 'Demon Hunter' - I love it, it's great fun to read. :)

    5) I'm thinking luminous yellow, not sure why but it just seems right.

    Thanks for commenting and see the post after this for more, more, more. :)
