Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Candid Camera 4: Ooh yeah

Hello! Sorry for not posting for MOTHS (or months for that matter) but I've been busy, *insert excuse of your choice here* and things. Yeah. Well, thanks to the most FANTABILOSA comment by Whyte Fairy (I am forever in your debt for this...) I have been prompted to uproot all my previously unseen photos of QV to share with the Nation. So here it be.

First up simply HAS to be the photo that prompted this post. Is this QV? Surely it is and (if you're reading this in an American accent) don't call me Shirley. I don't think it's 1840, as the caption says, as PA was the first royal to be photographed and that wasn't until 1842. However, I read in a book once (great at sourcing aren't I?!) that after PA got home and told Victoria all about his photography exploits, that she had some comissioned herself and they were helpfully left OUT of that particular publication. However, these could be those missing photos? Either way, THANK YOU to Whyte Fairy for making my Tuesday a really great one. Oh, and two words: Albert and shoulders. *Historical eekk noise* On to another photo I didn't know existed.

Yes, this is another version of the more famous 'Vicky Engagement' photo, taken in 1855. I stumbled across this quite by accident and it made me very, very excited. L to R: Fritz (Prince Frederick of Prussia really), Vicky, Affie, Alice, Louise, QV, Helena, Albert and Bertie. I think that's right - if not, attack me with spears and aghast words of sheer revulsion. Along we go then, to something WONDERFUL.

Before I saw this, I thought that the only photos of QV smiling were from the 1880s or later, but NO it seems. This must be in the mid-1850s and made me jump up and down with euphoria. Sorry for all the hyperbole, but these photos made me soooo happy that I had to share them with you. But still, look, it's QV, smiling, when she's still quite young in a fab stripey dress with rings and a nice bracelet. Just woweeeeee. Ok, cuteness time, with more smiling (therefore just disproving my post-1880s only theory - but that's a good thing.)

Well she's not grinning like in the previous one, but it's still a very sweet picture. There were lots of photos from this sitting taken and I've already posted one or two, but this one's a rather nice one, don't you think? Nice carpet too, but I don't think much to the evilly lurking bowling ball in the corner. Oh, and I've just noticed - shiny hair. I wonder what she used? Oh, pomade apparently (I've just got a book by one of QV's dressers and it told me that they used to brush pomade through her hair to make it shiny.) Now I just need to find out what pomade IS and acquire some...hm... Ah well, while I do that, we'll have to leave the Albertian-Victorian era unfortunately, but at least there are still some unknownish photos left to come.

Yes, QV in mourning with a dog. That's new... No, but this photo (and this dog for that matter) are new (to me at least) so hooray. I suppose this is about 1865-1868ish and that's an interesting bowl of flowers on the table. And the TABLE - look at the legs on that thing! Blimey - I wouldn't want to stub my toe on THAT. Yes, well, that dog could perhaps be the famous Dachshund, Dacko, who was QV's pet until about 1865. In that case, if this is Dacko (which it could be - he looks quite elderly) then it might be 1865, which would fit in with QV's age and dress. Well, I'll leave it up to you. Orf we go again.

So this is at Windsor in 1867. Yay. Well, extremely grand times methinks - not the usual QV 1860s garb. I think it must be the State Opening of Parliament or something similar to warrant such a costume, though the effect most certainly is splendid is it not? The carpets must be that bright EVERYWHERE, as they seem to feature in almost every photograph, no matter what the subject or the year. I hadn't seen this one before, and nor had I seen the following one, which is rather nice too.

Another new one for me, as I've said. I'd put this one at around 1870-something. And yet again, we have a pleasant, if not overly smily, expression. I wonder what she's reading? Probably not 'Orlando' by Virginia Woolf, which I'm reading at the moment. It's very, VERY strange. Well, we could say DEFINITELY not as a) it wasn't published then and b) I doubt she'd be smiling much if she was reading Virginia Woolf... That is a very nice shawl/jackety thing isn't it? Not to mention the tasseled table top. Ooh, alliteration. Well, let's leave whatever time this is and jump forward to our final photo (and one that made me smile.)

I'm going to take the liberty of adding a thought bubble to this. "So that's that over with then..." Now, 'that' was the wedding of QV's grandchildren (yes, yes, I know, but they were ROYALTY, so that sort of thing was allowed back then) Ernie and Ducky (who were both exceptionally groovy) in Coburg in 1894. Actually, it could have been Darmstadt...hang on...no, no - I was right, it WAS Coburg. Anyway, so many royalties descended upon Coburg that QV called them a "royal mob", which (when you see the big photo, which I'll put below) is pretty apt. I just call all these photos 'The Coburg Mob' and there are several of them with lots of people and then a few smaller groups. This one is, of course, QV and Bertie, who seem to be watching the others leave the now very trampled rug and inexplicable bear with quite a lot of relief. Either that or they're looking at another camera. Or a triffid. Either way, it made me smile. Now here's the big'un I mentioned.

Ok, so I couldn't find the one taken at a normal angle, but this is one of the photos I was telling you about. I'll name everyone I can (it's my life's ambition to be able to name EVERYONE from memory, but that ain't happened yet) so here goes. Top row L to R: A Battenburg brother, ??, ??, Missy of Romania (partially hidden), Ella of Hesse and Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh. Next row: Another Battenburg, Nando of Romania, GD Serge (in a bowler hat - a) why?!! and b) well done!) and a man with amazing facial hair who might be Count Mensdorff. Next row L to R (starting with the boy) Young Affie, Bertie (mainly hidden), Beatrice, Sandra, someone, Arthur, Duke of Connaught. Next row L to R: Nicky, Alicky, Victoria Battenburg?, Irene, Marie of Battenburg, Marie of Edinburgh. Sitting down L to R: Willy the Kaiser, QV, Vicky and the two girls are Baby Bea of Edinburgh and Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen - QV's first great-grandchild. Phew. Well, that's all for now folks, but I hope you enjoyed that and if you know any more of the people in that photo, please let me know.)

Toodle-oo world... : )