Tralalalaaa!! I'm back, hurrah. Now, just a very brief post today. Whyte Fairy was looking for a front view of Louise of Fife's wedding dress, so I've discovered two less helpful than I thought piccies.
Yay, it's EVERYONE. Well, I say everyone, I mean the bride, groom and bridesmaids... Well, L to R standing: Toria, MacDuff, Louise, Mary, someone, someone else. Seated L to R: Maud, Marie Louise, ?? and Thora. Yay. Sorry the flowers obscure most of her dress, but there's a view of the bottom of it coming up. Louise looks so happy here. :)
Wow. Thanks for that Victorian Era. I've never actually seen another wedding photo quite like this one before. I have to say that it did make me chuckle a bit. That definitely is Louise by the way, but doesn't it look a bit like Bertie's left hand is a false one? Either that or he's practicing his robot dancing for the reception after the wedding. He's also brought his favourite armchair with him too.
Well, that's it for now, sorry it's so short, but I needed to do something to show that I'm still here, collecting these phoooootos. Anyhoo, tara for now.